Easy Crispy  Air Fryer Turkey Legs

Golden brown on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside.

Air Fryer Turkey Drumsticks

I just love using air fryer recipes for new and interesting ways to make weeknight dinners.


Turkey Legs Butter & Brown Sugar Paprika Garlic Powder Seasoning Salt Pepper Thyme Italian Seasoning

Seasoned  Butter Rub

Combine softened butter with smoked paprika, seasoned salt, garlic powder, brown sugar, black pepper, thyme, and Italian seasoning.

Prepare the Turkey

Pat the turkey legs completely dry , then rub the herb butter all over the turkey legs. Distribute the smokey herb butter all over the legs, including under the skin where you are able.

Air Fry

Open the fryer and flip the turkey legs over, basting with 1 tablespoon of the reserved melted herb butter.

Air Fryer Turkey Legs

Perfectly rubbed with a smoky seasoned butter and air fried in no time, yielding tender, juicy and crispy skinned turkey legs.

mORE  Air Fryer rECIPES

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